First, let's go over some of the different options you'll have to choose from while playing slot games. We will start with number one, which is the denomination of the game. This concept means how much you need to bet to play.
The number might range from a single cent to a hundred dollars or even higher. Of course, the higher denomination you choose means a bigger payout when you get a winning line and bigger jackpots as well. Of course, some slots offer only one denomination option, while others offer multi-denomination options.
Let's imagine we have a slot machine with multi-denom options. Firstly, choose your preferred one, like $1 for example. Then, click on it to spin the reels. It's easy like that. All slot machines enable you to change your denomination after every spin. Keep in mind that changing denoms between spins is possible unless you get into a bonus round. You can't change your denoms at that stage. In other words, whatever the bet was on that spin when you won the bonus, that is what you are stuck with.
Now let's move on to talking about the term "paylines." A payline is how a payout will be made based on the winning combinations. Paylines range from one payline to 150 paylines. You can choose your preferred one from the slot game info section.
Go to the payline section and pick the random pattern you wish to get to pay off. Checking payline patterns is crucial to know how much you have to bet and how many chances you have to win on all of them.
Another term you need to be acquainted with is reels. Reels are objects that have symbols and spin on the screen. Each slot machine has its unique reel symbols, depending on the game theme.
Moreover, the number of reels varies between slot machines; some have 3 reels while others have 5. Logically, 5-reel slot games have more paylines with more matching symbols and lower denomination slot games.